Perfection is never a possibility when human beings are involved, as these signs illustrate. They came so close but — well, take a look.
This notice was posted on a public bus. (For non-NYers, I should explain that most east-west streets in Manhattan are numbered in ascending order from south to north.)

If this sign were accurate, the bus would go uptown from 1st Street to 14th, 23rd, 34th, and then loop back to 29th before proceeding northward to 42nd. Quite a route!
Here’s one from a going-out-of-business sale:

The 1/2 OFF is clear, but UP OT?
You may not be familiar with the retail chain associated with this truck, but let me assure you it does not sell ballet equipment:

Last one:

I’m not skilled enough to swivel the photo, so I’ll reproduce the product name and ingredient list here. Count the ingredients. PRODUCT: Three Cheese Mac & Cheese. Ingredients: American Cheese & Swiss Cheese. Maybe it’s UP OT Three Cheese?
Wishing you a prefect — er, I mean perfect — day!