
I can’t be sure who sponsored, created, posted, or, in one instance, chalked these signs. I can only tell you what I assume. The first arrived via my friend Constance:

Cuisine by Emily Bronte? After she finished writing Wuthering Heights?

I spotted this one on First Avenue:

I assume this declaration comes from Rene Magritte, who needed a change after painting this:

The next one was posted on the window of a nearly empty store:

As you see, the Creative Preposition Society is taking its business OT a new location. Or maybe UP OT?

My friend Deborah found this one:

Spa amenities provided by the Passive-Aggressive Association, don’t you think?

I assume you spot some odd signs, too. Please take a moment to send them to me at

6 thoughts on “Assumptions

  1. Junior Santos

    Although I’m quite interested in Literature, Wuthering Heights is not in my to-read list yet. Is cooking a subject much talked about in it?

    Having no idea who was Rene Magritte, I typed the name in Google search box and then clicked on images. Bulging my eyes, I thought I was seeing Pink Floyd album covers! I liked his works of art on sight! In any case, if this is not a pipe, I don’t know what else could be.

    What a babel would be if other parts of speech organized into their respective Creative Society?

    As for the last one I’m not willing to discuss. (LOL)

    1. Geraldine Post author

      Rene Magritte is similar to Pink Floyd, indeed! There’s not much cooking in Wuthering Heights. The reference is to the setting, the heath, and to a character, Heathcliff. Thanks for your comment!

  2. Ellie Presner

    Oh my gosh, these are such great examples of the products of the sign-makers’ foggy brains! They remind me of another doozy – I think you may have featured it in a past collection of “prize-winners”? – it was hanging up near the entrance to an underground garage, and it mixed up “EXIT” with “EXIST,” resulting in a somewhat existential conundrum. I wish I could recall it more clearly… Maybe you know what I mean? Argh… seems that my own brain is foggy too, lately!

    1. Geraldine Post author

      Foggy season in my house, too! I remember you posted a sign with “exist” instead of “exit,” as well as one reading “SOTP” instead of “STOP.” Lots of fog, all around.


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